Important By-law Updates Effective July 2025

Part 7—Conduct and Trade Practices and 8—Discipline of the
Commission By-law are being revised effective July 1, 2025.

For more information, click HERE.

Becoming a Broker

Follow the steps outlined below if you are applying for a Broker, Managing Associate Broker or Associate Broker licence.

Step 1: Meet the initial eligibility requirements

Eligibility criteria:

  • Have three years’ experience as a salesperson or equivalent experience approved by the Commission; 
  • conducted a minimum of 20 residential real estate transactions, including five transactions where the applicant represented the buyer in single agency and five transaction where the applicant represented the seller in an agency relationship; or
  • conducted a minimum of 10 commercial real estate transactions; or
  • equivalent experience approved by the Commission; and
  • Be considered suitable for licensing.

Step 2: Complete the Broker Licensing Course and pass the exam

To become licensed as a broker, you must first complete the two-week broker licensing course administered by the Nova Scotia Association of REALTORS® and pass the exam, administered by the Commission.

Students have one year from the day they finish the licensing course to pass the examination, administered by the Commission with a pass mark of 70%. Students have a maximum of two attempts to pass the licensing exam. Students who fail both attempts have one year from their last day of class until they can apply to retake the course.

Examinations are held on the second Friday of every month and exam applications must be received by 4pm on the first Friday of the month. Students who wish to take the examination at a designated Access Nova Scotia office are subject to that office’s availability and will be contacted by the Commission directly with the scheduled date and time.

Those who pass the exam have six months to apply for a licence.

Step 3: Determine where you will work

After passing the broker licensing exam, you must decide if you will be licensed as:

  • a broker, managing associate broker or associate broker role at an existing brokerage, or
  • a broker and opening a new brokerage altogether.

Steps 4 & 5 are applicable to both situations, however if you decide to open a new brokerage, there are additional steps.

Step 4: Obtain a criminal record check

The Commission has an account with MyBackCheck for applicants to obtain criminal record checks online for licensing applications. It is important for applicants to apply for their criminal record check through the Commission’s landing page to obtain a reduced rate of $33 plus tax. The regular rate is $55. Criminal record checks applied for through the Commission’s landing page will automatically appear for review in the Commission’s account.

To start your criminal record check application with MyBackCheck, click here for the Commission's landing page.

The Commission will also accept criminal record checks from the following providers:

  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
  • Halifax Regional Police
  • Commissionaires
  • Municipal/town police

Step 5: Review and complete the Salesperson/Associate Broker Licence Application or Broker Licence Application. Provide the application, fee and required supporting documents to the Commission

Carefully review and complete the licence application and assemble together the required documents. Incomplete packages will not be accepted.

If applying for a broker licence, the brokerage owner must sign the application. If applying to be an associate broker or managing associate broker, the application must be signed by the broker of the brokerage you will be licensed.

Application Requirements

  • A completed Salesperson/ Associate Broker Licence Application or Broker Licence Application and a Schedule A
  • Your birth certificate
  • A government issued photo identification card (i.e. driver’s licence or provincial photo identification card)
  • A current original criminal record check from a provider listed in Step 4
  • Payment in cash, cheque, money order, debit, Visa, MasterCard or American Express


Salesperson and Associate Broker Licence Application
Broker and Managing Associate Broker Licensing Application
Schedule A
Criminal Record Check Information

Audits for First Time Brokers

In the case of first-time broker applicants, the Registrar shall issue a conditional licence subject to the requirements set out in the Audit Policy for first-time brokers. The Commission shall conduct audits in accordance with the Audit Policy and upon satisfying the audit requirements, the conditions shall be removed. The audit schedule may be adjusted at the discretion of the Registrar.


The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

f:  1.902.468.1016 or