Important By-law Updates Effective July 2025

Part 7—Conduct and Trade Practices and 8—Discipline of the
Commission By-law are being revised effective July 1, 2025.

For more information, click HERE.

Related Legislation

The Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission is the regulatory body for trading in real estate in the province. The Commission administers and enforces the Real Estate Trading Act, its Regulations and the Commission By-law. 

There are other acts that are not administered by the Commission, but may impact real estate and be of interest to the public and real estate licensees, including, but not limited to: 

Beaches Act: An Act to Preserve and Protect the Beaches of Nova Scotia

Builder's Lien Act: An Act to Establish Liens in Favour of Builders and Others

Building Code Act: An Act to Adopt and Implement a Building Code for the Province

Coastal Protection Action Plan: A plan to protect people, homes and nature from climate change (More resources are available in this Commission bulletin)

Common Fields Act: An Act Respecting Common Fields

Condominium Act: An Act Relating to the Ownership of Individual Units in Multi-unit Buildings

Conservation Easements Act: An Act Respecting Conservation Easements

Crown Lands Act: An Act Respecting Crown Lands

Environment Act: An Act to Reform the Environmental Laws of the Province and to Encourage and Promote the Protection, Enhancement and Prudent Use of the Environment

FINTRAC: The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), Canada's financial intelligence unit. All brokerages in Canada are required to comply with FINTRAC requirements.

Heritage Property Act: An Act to Provide for the Identification, Preservation and Protection of Heritage Property

Homeowner Protection Act: An Act to Protect the Deposits of Purchasers of Newly Built Residential Units

Housing Act: An Act Respecting Housing

Income Tax Act: An Act Respecting Income Tax

Indian Lands Act: An Act Respecting an Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia for the Settlement of Questions Respecting Indian Reserve Lands

Industrial Property Act: An Act Respecting the Use of Certain Properties for Industrial Purposes

Land Registrations Act: An Act to Provide for the Registration of Title to Land and to Amend Certain Statutes Respecting Real Property

Land Surveyors Act: An Act Respecting Nova Scotia Land Surveyors

Land Title Clarifications Act: An Act Respecting the Clarification of Land Titles

Mortgage Brokers’ and Lenders’ Registration Act: An Act Respecting the Registration of Mortgage Brokers and Persons Carrying on the Business of Lending Money on the Security of Mortgages of Real Property

Mortgage Regulation Act: An Act Respecting the Licensing and Qualifications of, and Practice Standards for, Mortgage Lenders, Mortgage Brokerages, Mortgage Brokers, Associate Mortgage Brokers and Mortgage Administrators

Non-resident Deed Transfer Tax Act: An Act to Provide for a Deed Transfer Tax Respecting Non-residents of Nova Scotia

Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act: An Act to prohibit the purchase of residential property by non-Canadians [effective January 1st, 2023]

Property Valuation Services Corporation Act: An Act to Establish the Property Valuation Services Corporation

Protection of Property Act: An Act to Protect Property

Real Estate Appraisers Act: An Act Respecting Real Estate Appraisers

Real Property Act: An Act Respecting the Law and Transfer of Real Property

Real Property Limitations Act: An Act Respecting the Limitation of Actions in Respect of Real Property

Real Property Transfer Validation Act: An Act to Validate the Transfer of Certain Real Property Short title

Remembrance Day Act: An Act Respecting the Observance of Remembrance Day

Rent Review Act: An Act to Establish a Rent Review Commission and to Provide for the Review of Rents

Residential Tenancies Act: An Act Respecting Residential Tenancies

Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act: An Act to Make Communities and Neighbourhoods Safer

Sale of Land Under Execution Act: An Act Respecting the Sale of Land to Satisfy Execution Debts

Sales Tax Act: An Act to Implement the Comprehensive Integrated Tax Co-ordination Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia

Statute of Frauds: An Act for Preventing Frauds and Perjuries

Tenancies and Distress for Rent Act: An Act Respecting Tenancies and Distress for Rent

Unsightly Premises Act: An Act Respecting Unsightly Premises

The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

f:  1.902.468.1016 or