Important By-law Updates Effective July 2025

Part 7—Conduct and Trade Practices and 8—Discipline of the
Commission By-law are being revised effective July 1, 2025.

For more information, click HERE.

Meet the Commission's staff

Need to reach us? Contact the Commission at 902-468-3511, toll-free at 1-800-390-1015 or view the staff member's profile below to send an e-mail.

Brad Chisholm, Executive Director & Registrar

The Registrar is responsible for the overall supervision of the Commission through the administration of the Real Estate Trading Act, its Regulations and the Commission Bylaw. The role also ensures efficient and cost-effective licensure and contributes to improvements in policy, legislation and operations.

The Registrar’s key responsibilities are:

  • overseeing the daily operation of the Commission office;
  • establishing responsible entry standards and processes for the licensure of real estate licensees, brokerages and approved sales corporations; including the issuance, suspension and cancellation of licenses;
  • managing public information services;
  • authorizing investigations and, when necessary, referring cases to disciplinary hearings;
  • administering the trust and brokerage audit program;
  • administering enforcement proceedings, including issuing orders to cease carrying on business; and
  • administering the Real Estate Recovery Fund.

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Carolin MacDonald, Compliance Manager

Reporting to the Registrar, the Compliance Manager oversees licensee compliance with the rules of the Real Estate Trading Act, its Regulations and the Commission Bylaw. The Compliance Manager is responsible for supervising the Commission’s investigation processes as well as the Commission’s trust account and brokerage audit program. The Compliance Manager assists both the Complaints Review Committee and the NSREC Mandatory Forms Committee in their operation. Finally, the Compliance Manager takes compliance-related inquiries from consumers and licensees. 

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Courtney Leblanc, Compliance Investigator

The Compliance Investigator acts as the main contact for complaints from both the public and licensees, providing support to the Compliance Manager and to the Registrar. Reporting to the Compliance Manager, the Compliance Investigator researches and mediates consumer complaints, writes reports for the Registrar, ensuring compliance with the Real Estate Trading Act and Bylaws. The investigator also participates in writing and reviewing Commission policies as required.

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Peggy Kell, Communications and Technology Officer

Reporting to the Registrar, the Communications and Technology Officer contributes to a wide variety of publications for consumers and licensees, responds to media requests, acts as project manager on the Commission’s online licensing database, and supports the Registrar and Board of Directors in the implementation of the Commission’s strategic plan. The Communications and Technology Officer updates the governing legislation and also provides direct IT support to the Commission office.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chloe Kenney, Communications Officer

Reporting to the Registrar, the Communications Officer is responsible for the creation and execution of the Commission’s Strategic Communications Plan and creates a wide variety of publications for consumers and licensees, maintains the Commission's website and social media content. The Communications Officer updates the Commission’s mandatory forms as required and supports the Registrar and Board of Directors in the implementation of the Commission’s strategic plan.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Evan Chisholm, Compliance Officer

Reporting to the Compliance Manager, the Compliance Officer is responsible for conducting audits for all licensed brokerages in Nova Scotia which includes a review of real estate transactions files and real estate trust records. After the review, the Compliance Officer prepares a report and relays the results to the broker. The Compliance Officer also provides support to the Compliance Manager and can answer questions from licensees related to the audit program.

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Naomi Nyaboke, Compliance Officer

Reporting to the Compliance Manager, the Compliance Officer is responsible for conducting audits for all licensed brokerages in Nova Scotia which includes a review of real estate transactions files and real estate trust records. After the review, the Compliance Officer prepares a report and relays the results to the broker. The Compliance Officer also provides support to the Compliance Manager and can answer questions from licensees related to the audit program.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pam Crane, Licensing Officer

Reporting to the Registrar, the Licensing Officer is responsible for the Commission’s licensing department and for all licensing administration, including processing applications for new, returning and transferring licensees, managing the annual licence renewals and administering the licensing examinations. The Licensing Officer also assists the Licensing Committee in their operation and the Registrar in the general administration of the day-to-day operation of the Commission.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Regan Steeves, Compliance Officer

Reporting to the Compliance Manager, the Compliance Officer is responsible for conducting audits for all licensed brokerages in Nova Scotia which includes a review of real estate transactions files and real estate trust records. After the review, the Compliance Officer prepares a report and relays the results to the broker. The Compliance Officer also provides support to the Compliance Manager and can answer questions from licensees related to the audit program.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Meet the Commission's Board of Directors

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Learn the role of and members who make up the various Commission committees

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Meet the Commission's staff

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Annual Reports

Annual Reports

Read copies of our annual reports.

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Record of Decisions

Record of Decisions

View the Records of Decisions from Commission Board of Directors Meetings

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The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

f:  1.902.468.1016 or