Important By-law Updates Effective July 2025

Part 7—Conduct and Trade Practices and 8—Discipline of the
Commission By-law are being revised effective July 1, 2025.

For more information, click HERE.

Licensing FAQs

Who is the licensing authority?

The Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission is responsible for licensing of all real estate persons and brokerages in the province of Nova Scotia.

How do I apply for a salesperson licence?

You must complete the Salesperson Licensing Course administered by the Nova Scotia Association of REALTORS® (NSAR) within a six-month time frame. After course completion, you must write and pass the Commission’s salesperson exam within twelve months. For more information, see our First-Time Applicant page.

How do I apply for a broker, managing associate broker, or associate broker licence?

You must have three years experience as a real estate salesperson to be eligible for a broker level licence. Qualified candidates must complete the Broker Licensing Course administered by the NSAR. After course completion, you must write and pass the Commission's broker exam within twelve months. For more information, see our Broker Licensing page.

How do I apply for an Approved Sales Corporation licence?

Step 1: Have your business name approved by the Commission. Your business name is your first name (or registered nickname) and your last name exactly as it appears on your licence, followed by the word “Limited”. To seek approval, send your business name to the Licensing Officer with “Approved Sales Corporation Name” in the subject line.

Step 2: Have your business name approved by the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies. Contact the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies to ensure your approved name is available. If your name is already taken, you may add an additional word or words to obtain the unique name, but you must obtain the Registrar's approval first.

Step 3: Register your business name with the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies. To register your approved sales corporation, you must file an application for incorporation with the Registry of Joint Stock Companies. Both the Registry of Joint Stock Companies and the Commission strongly advise you obtain legal counsel to assist you in preparing the application.

Step 4: Apply for an Approved Sales Corporation Licence

For information on the Application process, see our licensing page. 

I am licensed by another jurisdiction. How do I get licensed in Nova Scotia?

If you are licensed in another Canadian province, see Transferring from another province.

If you are licensed in an international jurisidiction, see Transferring from another country.

Where can I download licensing forms?

To download our licensing forms, go to our Licensing Forms and Fee Schedule page.

How much does a ______ licence cost?

A full list of the current licensing fees are located here

Questions about Exams

For more information about exams, see our Licensing Exams page.

When does my licence expire?

Unless suspended or cancelled earlier, every licence expires at midnight on June 30 following the date of issuance, regardless of day issued.

How do I terminate my licence?

If you are moving to another brokerage or leaving the real estate industry, either temporairly or permanently, you must notify the Commission within 48 hours of terminating your employment by completing and submitting a Notice of Termination form. For more information, see our Terminating your Licence section page.

How do I reinstate my licence?

If your licence is inactive for less than 30 days, complete the Notice of Reinstatement form and submit it to the Commission with payment.

If your licence is inactive over 30 days, complete the Salesperson and Associate Broker Licence Application and Schedule B and submit to the Commission with a copy of your driver's licence and birth certificate and payment. Recovery Fund fees must be included.

If your licence is inactive for over 90 days, you must also provide the Commission with a current (within six months) criminal record check for employment purposes.

You must complete any missed continuing education requirements prior to applying for a licence reinstatement.

If your licence has been inactive for more than two years, you must complete the licensing course and pass the exam before you can apply for a licence. See our Reinstating your Licence page for more information. 

The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

f:  1.902.468.1016 or