Important Updates Effective January 2025

The Audit Policy and the Brokerage Transaction and Trust Account Policy
(replacing the Audit Program: A Guide to Real Estate Audits in Nova Scotia)


Commission By-law Part Six - Trust Accounts & Record Keeping

For more information, click HERE.

Licensing Exams

Licensing Exams

 For Students who Enrolled in the Salesperson Licensing Course after August 1, 2024

The new Salesperson Licensing Course will include a new online exam. More details will be available soon. 

The new exam will only be given to students who enrolled after August 1, 2024 and take the new course. Students who enrolled before August 2024 will continue to take the old in-person exam.

For Students who Enrolled in the Sales Salesperson Licensing Course Before August 2024


Exam applications (with attached credit card authorizations) must be emailed to Pam Crane, Licensing Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 4pm seven calendar days before your scheduled exam date

Students must fully complete their licensing course prior to submitting their exam application. Applications submitted prior to completing the course will result with exam registrations being delayed. Once your exam application is processed, the time, date, and location will be confirmed on your receipt.


Licensing exams are held in the Chardonnay Ballroom of the Best Western Hotel (15 Spectacle Lake Drive, Dartmouth, NS B3B 1X7). 

The Best Western hotel offers a discounted rate for students requiring overnight accommodations. Contact the Best Western for details.


The licensing fee for exams is $100 + tax ($115). Students pay their exam fee by completing the credit card authorization (page 2 of the exam application).


Per Commission by-law 321, students must pass the licensing exam within 12 months of completing their licensing course. 


The 2025 licensing exam schedule is as follows:

Monday, March 10: 1 - 4 pm
Monday, April 14: 1 - 4 pm
Monday, May 12: 1 - 4 pm
Monday, June 9: 1 - 4 pm

Students are to arrive at 12:30pm (30 minutes prior to their exam) to allow for seating, verifying identification, passing out exams, reviewing rules, etc.


Students seeking accommodations for exams due to physical and mental disabilities must make a request to the Registrar by email, per the Commission's Accommodation of Applicants with Physical and Mental Disabilities Policy. Please review the Commission's policy for more information.


Students are required to bring:

  • Government issued photo ID
  • Black or blue ink pens (pencils cannot be used to write the examination.)
  • Calculator

Students are permitted, but not required, to bring:

  • Highlighters
  • Ear plugs
  • Magnifying glasses
  • Watch (smart watches are not permitted.)

Students are not permitted to bring:

  • Cell phones or electronic devices, such as tablets, laptops, translators, or smart watches (students found to have cell phones or smart watch on their person during the exam will forfeit their writing.)
  • White out


Please read the following exam rules:

  • Government-issued photo ID is required to write the exam.
  • Bring black or blue ink pens (no pencils) and a calculator.
  • Write as clearly as possible.
  • The exam proctors can answer questions about the exam format, but not content.
  • Students are not allowed to talk to other students or out loud to themselves during the exam.
  • Cell phones/electronic devices (tablets, translators, smart watches, etc.) are not permitted in the examination room. Students found to have a non-permitted device on their person  or at their desk during the exam will forfeit their writing.
  • Notebooks, text books, scrap paper, backpacks, etc. are not allowed in examination room.
  • Make sure that all personal belongings are taken by you upon leaving the examination room; Commission employees are not responsible for any items left behind
  • If you are unable to write your exam, contact the Commission prior to your scheduled exam time to have your exam pulled from the list without penalty.
  • All true and false or multiple choice questions only have one correct answer. If you circle one answer, but change your mind, put a clear X through the wrong answer. You must clearly indicate which answer you do and do not want marked. If you leave two or more answers circled, you will be given 0 points, even if one is correct.
  • In the salesperson licensing exam, there are two sets of real estate forms. The second set is only in case you have made a mistake and want to start over fresh. (You do not have to start over, you also have the option of making corrections to the form like you would in real life.) If you use any of the second set of forms, draw a large X through the page(s) in the first set so that the marker knows which one you want marked.
  • Students are allotted three hours to write the salesperson or broker exam, and two hours to write the challenge exam, but are allowed to leave as soon as they finish. Salesperson exams are in one piece and CANNOT be taken apart.
  • Broker exams are in two pieces held together with a paperclip. The two sections can be separated from each other, but CANNOT be taken further apart.
  • Remember to complete and sign the first page. 
  • If you need space for math calculations or scrap paper, use the back pages (they are blank).
  • If you need extra space for the essay section, you can also use the blank back pages, but draw an arrow, indicating to the marker to review that page for marking.
  • A calendar is provided in the salesperson exam to complete the forms section.


Due to the increase in students, it may take up to 20 BUSINESS days before marks are available. Marks will be sent out via email. 


The minimum passing grade is 70%.

 If you've passed, congratulations! Students who have successfully passed the salesperson or broker licensing exam must apply for their respective licence within 180 days of passing. To proceed with your licensing application, click HERE.


Students have two attempts to write and pass the licensing exam. Students who have failed on their second writing with a mark of 65 - 69% may apply for and pay a fee to have their exam re-marked.

If a student does not pass the exam within that 12-month period, they must retake their applicable licensing course, before they may write the exam again. If a student fails twice, they must wait 12 months from the day they finished the licensing course before they are eligible to re-take the course.


If you are ill, you are not permitted to write and must reschedule your exam for the next writing.

If you, or someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, you are not permitted to write and must reschedule your exam for the next writing.

The Commission continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation, and will make on-going reassessments of our policies based on recommendations and guidelines from Public Health. Any changes to our decisions will be communicated to the industry via news bulletins.

The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

f:  1.902.468.1016 or