Important By-law Updates Effective July 2025

Part 7—Conduct and Trade Practices and 8—Discipline of the
Commission By-law are being revised effective July 1, 2025.

For more information, click HERE.


The Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission is responsible for setting standards of practice for the real estate industry. This role serves both the industry and the public: to create consumer confidence and trust in the industry it is essential to limit unethical, incompetent, and illegal practices. The Commission does not accept anonymous complaints, nor can the Commission award damages.

Many times when a misunderstanding arises between a licensee and a consumer, it is due to a lack of communication between the parties. If this has happened to you, we suggest you use these steps to resolve your problem as quickly as possible:

  • discuss the concern with the licensee you are working with.
  • if the matter is not resolved, discuss the concern with the managing broker in charge of the real estate brokerage.


When resolution between both parties is not possible, consumers may file a written complaint with the Commission. When a complaint is received, the Registrar will examine it to and determine whether the conduct of a licensee appears to:

  • be in breach of the Real Estate Trading Act, its Regulations or the Commission Bylaw
  • be contrary to the standards of practice expected of a licensee
  • demonstrate incompetence, recklessness or intent
  • put consumers or other licensees at risk
  • undermine public confidence in the industry, harm the integrity of the industry or bring the industry into disrepute


Many times when a misunderstanding arises between a licensee and a consumer, it is worth attempting to resolve the issue amongst yourselves or by involving their broker. Brokers have a responsibility to:

  • supervise licensees and to ensure they comply with the Real Estate Trading Act, its Regulations and the Commission Bylaw; and
  • inquire into and deal with inappropriate conduct.

To determine the broker of a particular real estate brokerage, click on ‘Search for Licensee on our front page and type the name of the brokerage.

Consumers may also wish to contact the Commission’s Compliance Investigator at 902-468-3511 (ext. 306) or 1-800-310-1015 (toll free) for advice on whether a complaint should be filed with the Commission.


Once your complaint is filed, the Commission will notify you in writing that your complaint has been received and is being reviewed.

If the Registrar determined that an investigation ought to be opened as a result of your complaint, you will be asked to sign a Permission to Share form. Both the licensee and their broker (at the time of the alleged complaint) will be notified that the Commission is in receipt of your complaint and will provide the licensee with a copy.

Finally, you may be called as a witness in the event that the matter goes to hearing. Review our Discipline Committee Hearing Procedures for more information.


The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

f:  1.902.468.1016 or