A new Salesperson Licensing Course is starting August 1, 2024.
For more information, click HERE.

Information Sheet from Dept. of Health, CERB Benefits, Scam Alert, Striking Clauses, Health Directives

Information Sheet from the Nova Scotia Department of Health

The Nova Scotia Department of Health has developed a COVID-19 information sheet for licensees. View and download the notice HERE.

CERB Benefits

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) is now in its second month. The CERB needs to be applied for monthly. You can apply or reapply through Service Canada or Canada Revenue Agency. Learn more about the CERB and apply/reapply HERE.

Gift card phishing scams

Beware of gift card phishing scams. In this type of scam, the scammer uses the Contact Us page of a company/organization’s website to identify managers and employees. The scammer spoofs the manager’s email address (it will appear as if sent from the manager’s email) and sends an email to the employees requesting a favour. The scammer asks for the employee to respond by email, stating they are currently unavailable by phone. When the employee responds by email, the scammer, pretending to be the manager, requests the employee purchase gift cards and provide them with the codes on the cards. When the employee provides the codes, the scammer uses the codes to steal the funds on the cards.

This is an increasingly common scam. The Commission staff receives phishing emails like this monthly and some of the emails look authentic. If you receive an email requesting a favour from a manager or a coworker to buy gift cards, always confirm the request with the person by phone or text first.

 Striking Clauses

When striking a clause, the wording of the clause must remain legible. You can strike a clause by drawing a line through the text or by typing “N/A” or “Not Applicable”. After striking the clause, the clause must be initialled by all parties to the agreement. For more information on striking clauses, see The Dos and Don’ts of Struck Clauses. This requirement is documented on page 21 of the Audit Policy

COVID-19 Health Directives

The COVID-19 orders, directives, and guidelines we all have to follow are being continuously updated by the provincial and federal governments. View the latest information here:

Government of Nova Scotia
Government of Canada

The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

f:  1.902.468.1016 or