Important Updates Effective January 2025

The Audit Policy and the Brokerage Transaction and Trust Account Policy
(replacing the Audit Program: A Guide to Real Estate Audits in Nova Scotia)


Commission By-law Part Six - Trust Accounts & Record Keeping

For more information, click HERE.

News Bulletin - March 16, 2021

Exam Update
Nominations for the Board of Directors Deadline Reminder

Exam Update

Beginning in April, the Commission will be holding the licensing exams at the Best Western Hotel in Dartmouth. The Commission is working with the Best Western to ensure compliance with provincial guidelines and have safety measures in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19. Measures will include students maintaining six-feet social distancing, mandatory masks, and cleaning before and after exams.

Exam Schedule

Exam dates will be held on the following dates:
April 9th
May 7th
June 18th
July 9th
August 6th
September 10th
October 8th
November 12th
December 10th

The Best Western, Dartmouth, is offering a discounted rate of $99 per night for students requiring overnight accommodations. Contact the Best Western for details.

Exam Registration

Exams will be held once a month, with a morning writing and an afternoon writing. Applicants must complete the licensing course BEFORE submitting their exam application. Applications received before the applicant has finished the course will be rejected.

Applicants must register by completing an exam application and a credit card authorization and submitting it to Pam Crane, Licensing Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Applicants must complete the COVID-19 screening declaration the day before the scheduled licensing exam by 4pm. The link to complete the screening will be provided in the exam confirmation email. Anyone who does not complete the COVID-19 screening the day before their exam will NOT be permitted to write the exam.

COVID-19 Precautions

  • Applicants with symptoms at the time of screening or who develop symptoms the day of the exam are not permitted to write, and must reschedule.
  • On the day of the exam, applicants will be required to respect social distancing, use hand sanitizer when entering the exam area, and wear a cloth or medical face mask that covers both the mouth and nose.
  • Anyone traveling to Nova Scotia or returning from travel outside of Nova Scotia is not eligible to write the exam until they have isolated in Nova Scotia for 14 days.

Call for 2021 Nominations for the Board of Directors

Reminder the deadline for nominations is Friday, March 19, 2021 at 4 p.m.

The Commission is accepting nominations for one licensee to join the Board of Directors. Licensees nominate themselves by completing and submitting the Nomination Form. A virtual election will be held in April. The successful candidate will be announced at the AGM on April 22nd.

Eligible licensees must be in good standing and meet the qualifications per Commission by-law 207:

To be eligible to serve as a member of the Commission, a licensee shall:
(a) Hold a valid real estate license;
(b) Not have been convicted of an offence pursuant to the Act, the Regulations, or the Bylaw resulting in
(i) a disciplinary suspension within the past 10 years; or
(ii) a disciplinary licence restriction; or
(iii) a fine greater than $500 within the past two years; or
(iv) a fine of $500 or less within the past year.
(c) Not be a director, officer, board member or employee of another real estate organization whose role is to defend the interests of the industry.

The Board of Directors meets five times annually. The successful candidate will fill a three-year term on the Board of Directors and may also serve on other committees.

If you have questions, please email Peggy Kell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

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