Important By-law Updates Effective July 2025

Part 7—Conduct and Trade Practices and 8—Discipline of the
Commission By-law are being revised effective July 1, 2025.

For more information, click HERE.

News Bulletin - November 27, 2020

COVID-19 Health Directives

Due to the recent increase in case numbers, the Commission would like to remind the industry that the COVID-19 orders, directives, and guidelines we all have to follow are being continuously updated by the provincial and federal governments. View the latest information here:

Government of Nova Scotia
Government of Canada

It was recommended to the Commission by the Office of Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Robert Strang, that licensees review and comply with the following information:

  • Social distancing, travelling in separate vehicles and not showing houses of those in self-isolation.
  • Frequent hand hygiene. Real estate licensees and buyers will be going into homes where the risk may be unknown. It is extremely important for these individuals to touch as little as possible during the viewings and practice hand hygiene before entering and after leaving the premise.
  • Practice cough etiquette (cough into your sleeve or a tissue and discard the tissue immediately)
  • Social distance – maintain a 2 metre/6 foot distance between the real estate licensee and buyer/seller at all times
  • Those in self-isolation cannot have their house shown to potential buyers as visitors are not allowed and they are not permitted to leave their home during their isolation period. If the real estate licensee themselves is in self-isolation they will not be able to conduct viewings. If the buyer is in self-isolation they are not able to leave their house and cannot view properties at this time. If the licensee or buyer are experiencing flu-like symptoms, they should not conduct business.

Frequent environmental cleaning. If real estate licensees are required to have a face-to-face meeting, ensure frequent environmental cleaning is occurring (pay extra attention to high-tough surfaces like door handles, arms of chairs, pens, etc).

Commission Newsletters

View browser versions of our new Commission News below:

Compiled Commission News Bulletins - This document contains every Commission News Bulletin published by the Commission. Use the PDF search window to enter and search for specific topics.

The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

f:  1.902.468.1016 or