Important Updates Effective January 2025

The Audit Policy and the Brokerage Transaction and Trust Account Policy
(replacing the Audit Program: A Guide to Real Estate Audits in Nova Scotia)


Commission By-law Part Six - Trust Accounts & Record Keeping

For more information, click HERE.

News Bulletin - May 8, 2020

COVID-19 Health Directives
NSAR Appointment
Outgoing Board Members 
Radon Awareness for Real Estate Enrollment Support

COVID-19 Health Directives

The COVID-19 orders, directives, and guidelines we all have to follow are being continuously updated by the provincial and federal governments. View the latest information here:

Government of Nova Scotia
Government of Canada

NSAR Appointment

Aaron Millen, associate broker with Blinkhorn Real Estate Ltd. was appointed by the NSAR to the Commission Board of Directors for a three-year term. Welcome Aaron.

Chair and Vice Chair Election

The Commission Board of Directors held an election for chairperson and vice chairperson on May 5th. Mary MacDonald, broker of Walt MacDonald Real Estate Ltd., is the new chairperson of the Commission and Linda Smardon, broker of Exit Realty Metro, is vice chairperson. Congratulations Mary and Linda.

Outgoing Board Members 

The Board of Directors wish to thank Gary Morse, managing associate broker of Royal LePage Atlantic, for his dedication and service. Gary served two terms on the Board of Directors, the last three as Chairperson.

The Board of Directors also wish to thank public member Nancy McGrath for her service on the Board of Directors. Nancy was appointed by the provincial government for a three-year term that concluded on April 27th. The Commission will notify the industry when this public appointment has been filled.

Radon Awareness for Real Estate Enrollment Support

The instructions to enroll in the online CPE course, including how to look up your licence number, are located HERE. Please ensure you enter your licence number correctly when signing up for the course.

The Lung Association office is closed and staff are working remotely. If you require assistance enrolling in the course, please contact Michelle, Communications Coordinator for the Lung Association, by email at or by cell 902-579-3948.

Commission Newsletters

View browser versions of our new Commission News below:

Compiled Commission News Bulletins - This document contains every Commission News Bulletin published by the Commission. Use the PDF search window to enter and search for specific topics.

The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

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