A new Salesperson Licensing Course is starting August 1, 2024.
For more information, click HERE.

News Bulletin - June 16, 2021

By-law Update
Licence Renewals

By-law Update

The following By-law change was approved by the Board of Directors to enable the Commission to publish the names of individuals who do not renew their licence or take steps to terminate their licence. The publication of names ensures that the industry knows those individuals are no longer licensed and to cease any trading activity with them.

On July 2nd, the Commission will publish the names of individuals who did not renew their licence or terminate their licence by midnight on June 30th. Licensees who are not renewing their licence can complete and submit a termination form dated for June 30th or log into the Licensee Portal and terminate their licence on June 30th. Brokers can also complete and submit termination forms for licensees who are not renewing.

By-law 839
(c) The Registrar may send a notice to the industry with the names of any industry member whose
(i) licence fails to is not renewed as a result of failure to complete required education course(s);
(i) licence is not renewed or terminated by midnight on June 30th;
(ii) errors and omissions insurance coverage is terminated; or
(iii) licence is downgraded or restricted.

COVID-19 Update: Phase 2 

Effective Wednesday, June 16th, Nova Scotia will enter phase 2 of the provincial government's reopening plan. Licensees and consumers must continue to follow all public health measures, including gathering limits. There are currently no inter-provincial travel restrictions within Nova Scotia.

For more details on phase 2, click HERE

The Commission is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 orders, directives and guidelines from the government. We will continue to communicate with the industry as information is made available.

COVID-19 Resources

Online Licensing Renewal Deadline Reminder: June 30

If you have not already renewed your licence(s), the deadline is June 30th. Licensees who have not renewed their licence by June 30th will have their licences terminated effective July 1st and must immediately cease all trading activities.

Since licence renewals opened on May 10th, 1395 licensees and 126 brokerages have renewed their licences. Another 105 licensees have logged in and responded to the renewal questions, but have not yet applied payment to their account.

Brokers are responsible for renewing the brokerage licence, audit fees, any branch office licences, their broker licence, and, if applicable, their approved sales corporation licence. All other licensees are responsible for renewing their real estate licence and, if applicable, their approved sales corporation licence. 

If You Need Help

The Licence Renewal Resource page is available with video tutorials, a user manual, and important information about payment methods and deadlines.

To verify if you have completed your licence renewal, you can check the licensee portal. Brokers also have access to the new brokerage licensing report for their brokerage.

If you did not receive an invoice or you need help completing your renewal, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Commission Newsletters

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Compiled Commission News Bulletins - This document contains every Commission News Bulletin published by the Commission. Use the PDF search window to enter and search for specific topics.

The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

Contact Us

Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission

601-1595 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS
B4A 3Y4

p: 1.902.468.3511 or

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