A new Salesperson Licensing Course is starting August 1, 2024.
For more information, click HERE.

News Bulletin - September 2, 2015

2015/16 Continuing Professional Education Requirement

2015/16 Continuing Professional Education Requirement
The 2015/16 CPE requirements for real estate licensees are:

All brokers, managing associate brokers and associate brokers are required to take the broker mandatory course, “10 Timely Topics for Brokers

All salespeople are required to take the salesperson’s mandatory course, “20 Timely Topics for Salespeople

All licensees are required to take one elective course*

*Brokers, managing associate brokers and associate brokers may take the salesperson’s mandatory as their elective requirement, and vice versa.

Questions about the 2015/16 CPE requirements? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Mythbuster of the Month: Disciplinary action from the Commission, including fines, has no impact on me or my licence after it has been fulfilled.

Disciplinary action does not disappear from our records after any sanctions, penalties, or education requirements are fulfilled by the licensee. A discipline history remains on file for three to five years, depending on the severity of the charges, and may be provided to members of the public or licensees (including brokers) upon request. For licensees who wish to obtain a real estate licence in another province, a discipline history forms part of the licensing application.

Ultimately, being compliant with the Real Estate Trading Act, its Regulations, the Commission Bylaw and Commission Policies is the best way to avoid disciplinary action. For full details on the publication of disciplinary decisions, see Commission Bylaw 839.

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The Nova Scotia Real Estate
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Nova Scotia real estate industry.

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