Important Updates Effective January 2025

The Audit Policy and the Brokerage Transaction and Trust Account Policy
(replacing the Audit Program: A Guide to Real Estate Audits in Nova Scotia)


Commission By-law Part Six - Trust Accounts & Record Keeping

For more information, click HERE.

News Bulletin - June 5, 2017

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Reminder
CPE Course Announced for the 2017-2018 Licensing Cycle

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Reminder
If you have not already completed your CPE for the 2016-2017 licensing cycle, it is important you do so by June 15th. Failing to complete CPE prior to the deadline will result in your licence not being renewed.

See Continuing Professional Education requirements for 2016/17

CPE Course Announced for the 2017-2018 Licensing Cycle
At the last Liaison Committee meeting, the NSAR mandatory course, Advertising in the Digital Age, was suggested as possible NSREC mandatory course for next year's licensing cycle (July 2017–June 2018). The Committee, which is made up of board members from both the NSAR and the NSREC, felt that the course would give the NSAR and the NSREC an opportunity to collaborate to the benefit of the industry. The course was put forward to the Licensing Committee at their June 1st meeting along with a number of proposed revisions to make the course comply with requirements of an NSREC-approved mandatory.

The Licensing Committee approved the course, subject to the revisions, as a mandatory course for all licensees for the 2017-2018 licensing cycle. The most recently scheduled Advertising in the Digital Age courses have been cancelled to permit the course to be updated. Once the course is updated, courses will resume.

Licensees who have already taken the course will be provided with an updated course manual and a summary of changes via the NSAR Dashboard.

As the NSREC mandatory courses are developed in the summer and the requirements announced in early fall, if there are additional course requirements, those requirements will be announced as usual this fall.

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The Nova Scotia Real Estate
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Nova Scotia real estate industry.

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