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February 2017 Bylaw Amendments

February 1, 2017

February 2017 Bylaw Amendments

The Commission Board of Directors have approved a number of bylaw revisions to (1) introduce online voting in place of paper and proxy voting for the 2017 Annual General Meeting, and (2) to enhance the compliance recourse when licensees do not comply with the Commission during investigations or audits.

View the Bylaw here.


Bylaw Amendments

Part 3: Licensing

Bylaw 218: The Commission is moving from written ballots to electronic voting, eliminating the need for proxy ballots by allowing those who cannot attend the Annual General Meeting to cast their ballots online.

Bylaw 219: Moving away from the 50% plus one system, in order to be elected to the Board of Directors, a nominee must now receive the greatest number of votes cast (first-past-the-post voting system).

Bylaw 220: Formerly, if a majority is not achieved on any ballot, the nominee receiving the lowest number of votes and those nominees with fewer than 10% of the votes cast shall be dropped from the slate and a second ballot cast. Now, in the event of a tie the Chair shall draw the winner between the tied nominees.

Bylaw 241: Rules of Order governing Commission meetings has been revised to follow Robert’s Rules of Order, over Herb Perry’s Call to Order, which did not address electronic voting.

Bylaw 246: Revised to remove the option of voting by proxy as licensees can vote from virtually any location.

Bylaw 247: Repealed; this Bylaw formerly identified the amount of proxies any licensee may hold.

Part 4: Fees

Bylaw 409(d): A new bylaw that requires any licensee who is suspended for failure to comply with an investigation or audit to be charged a $360 fee to have their licence reinstated. Formerly, once the licensee complied with the investigation or audit, their licence would be reinstated with no charge. This change further discourages non-compliance with the investigation and audit processes by creating a financial penalty for such actions.

The Nova Scotia Real Estate
is the regulator of the
Nova Scotia real estate industry.

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